The 2024 Heli Extravaganza Sliding Auto Contest - We're Doing It Again!
This is always amusing!

It's Free!

Ready for a break from piro flips, hurricanes, and inverted auto overspeeds? Something relaxing and amusing? Random RC is sponsoring the fifth Sliding Autorotation Contest at the Heli Extravaganza 2024 at Triple Tree Aerodrome. There's no cost to enter and you get a cool T-shirt for participating (but must sign up before August 5th to get a T-shirt). If you haven't registered for HeliEx 2024 on the HeliEx site, do it now!

Sliding Auto Contest T-Shirt

Sign Up Now*

*You can sign up for the contest at the event but if you want a T-shirt you must register before August 5, 2024

The Program

  • Before the Contest: Visit the Pilots’ Lounge for your Official Contest T-Shirt
  • Friday, 8/30/24: Practice and expert instruction
  • Saturday, 8/31/24: the Contest (approximately 2 hours)

The Contest Rules

  1. Helicopters must be 550 size or larger.
  2. Each helicopter will have Random RC skis attached to the skids.
  3. Each pilot will fly up to three autos.
  4. The autorotation must begin at or above 50’ AGL (OK, we'll eyeball it).
  5. Initial touchdown must be within the marked 30' long 'touchdown zone.'
  6. (The touchdown zone has a 'foul line.' The helicopter must touch down before the foul line in order for a slide to count.)
  7. Sliding distance is measured from the foul line to the position of the main rotor shaft at the end of the slide. This method eliminates the need for spotters marking the initial touchdown point. (Pilots should endeavor to touch down as close to the 'foul line' as possible to have the maximum amount of their slide distance included in their score.)
  8. Intentionally lifting off the surface after initial touchdown or bouncing and floating more than 5' in distance will 'scratch' that attempt.

The Winners

  • Longest Single Slide
  • Longest Combined Three Slides
  • Longest Failed Auto 'Tumble' (or debris field)

All three winners will receive:

  • A set of Random RC skis (slightly used) with Skid Clamps mounted to fit their heli
  • Bragging rights for at least until the next contest

Skis? Why Skis?

Because you can slide like a monster, farther than you've ever slid before. OK, this silliness started several years ago and was made famous by one of our Instructor Pilots, Steve O'Connor, who successfully skied the POND at Triple Tree. Then, Raja Bortcosh asked for some wider skis that would allow him to ski on snow with his gassers. One thing led to another and here we are.

The skis are 1/16" thick aluminum, 2-3/4" wide. They'll add about 320 grams to your heli. There's a spreader between the skis that keeps them flat to the bottom of the heli—preventing them from rotating in flight (ask me how we learned this was important).

We've got set ups for pretty much anything you bring to the contest, including 8mm, 9mm, 10mm, and 12mm skid pipes as well as Goblin-style CF skids. We've even got a special set up for Diabolo and TDR CF skids. We'll have enough sets of skis to keep guys flying their practice runs and the contest runs without waiting. And of course the winners get to take theirs home.

Random RC Skis for Sliding Autorotations

See you at the Heli Extravaganza!